(AUDIO) Danelle Bradbery Woud Love To Try Acting

Danielle Bradbery made a guest appearance on the CW show Hart of Dixie, but she didn’t really do any acting. She played herself and sang her latest single, “The Heart of Dixie,” but acting is something she would love to try one day if the opportunity comes along. She says, “I’ve been interested in acting and watching movies and stuff like that, watching shows. I would love to start acting, even though I haven’t before. We’ll see how that goes. But, it would be a lot of fun and I’d be really interested.”

For now, Danielle is busy on the road, having just kicked off the We’re Not Invisible Tour with Hunter Hayes, which will run through the end of May.


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Danielle Bradbery – interested in acting :15
“I’ve been interested in acting and watching movies and stuff like that, watching shows. I would love to start acting, even though I haven’t before. We’ll see how that goes. But, it would be a lot of fun and I’d be really interested.”

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