(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Doesn’t Mind Six More Weeks of Winter

Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog recently saw his shadow, which supposedly means six more weeks of winter and Danielle Bradbery is okay with that. “I love the winter,” she says. One of the reasons she loves it is the clothes. “With me loving to shop, I love how you can dress for the winter and I love bein’ outdoors and the smell of burning wood along with the crisp, cold weather,” says Danielle. “It makes me feel all comfortable and cozy so, I mean, winter is one of my favorite seasons.”

Danielle is currently out on the Beat This Winter Tour with Brad Paisley, promoting her top 15 hit, “The Heart of Dixie.”


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Danielle Bradbery – fan of winter :19
“I love the winter and with me loving to shop, I love how you can dress for the winter and I love bein’ outdoors and the smell of burning wood along with the crisp, cold weather, it just, it makes me feel all comfortable and cozy so, I mean, winter is one of my favorite seasons.”

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