(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Dreams of the Houston Rodeo

Danielle Bradbery has so many things she hopes to achieve in her career.  Releasing her debut single, “Heart of Dixie,” was a huge milestone, but she says if she was looking at bucket list items, one would definitely be to play the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.  “I’ve always went to the Houston Rodeo and I’ve always tried to picture myself rolling up in the car and everyone screaming and just coming out and putting on this amazing concert,” Danielle confesses with a laugh.  “Especially it would be in my hometown so the Houston Rodeo is definitely my number one that I would love to perform at.”
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/119565224?secret_token=s-tF7ee” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Danielle Bradbery – what dreamt of in career  :20
“I’ve always went to the Houston Rodeo and I’ve always tried to picture myself rolling up in the car and everyone screaming and just coming out and putting on this amazing concert. Especially it would be in my hometown so the Houston Rodeo is definitely my number one that I would love to perform at.” (Laughs)

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