(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Enjoys Family Time On Fourth of July

The 4th of July is coming up this Friday, and if Danielle Bradbery were going to be home, she would be spending it with her family and friends, enjoying typical 4th of July fair. Danielle says the 4th is one of her favorite holidays. “I love celebrating with fireworks, and all that stuff. It’s a lotta fun. Usually on Fourth of July I’m just with my family and friends and we always get the fireworks and we barbecue. Last Fourth of July I got to ride horses and just be out in the country and I thought that was a lotta fun.”

This year, Danielle will actually be working on the 4th of July with a show in Williamsburg, Virginia, which will be a great opportunity for her to perform her latest single, “Young In America.”


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Danielle Bradbery – 4th of July :25
“Fourth of July. That’s one of my favorite days. I love celebrating with fireworks, and all that stuff. It’s a lotta fun and I don’t know. Usually on Fourth of July I’m just with my family and friends and we always get the fireworks and we barbecue. Last Fourth of July I got to ride horses and just be out in the country and I thought that was a lotta fun.”

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