(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Flirts Under The Watchful Eye of Blake Shelton

Danielle Bradbery is currently out on tour with Dan + Shay and Hunter Hayes, and it’s not uncommon to see her bantering back and forth with Dan + Shay on Twitter … some might even call it light-hearted flirting. Having been a member of Blake Shelton’s team on The Voice, she is under his watchful eye. Anytime the young women Blake has coached show signs of flirting on social media he usually jokingly jumps in and says, “No! No! No ma’am!”

So far Blake hasn’t intervened between Danielle and Dan + Shay, but she says, “Dan + Shay, we’re really good friends and we joke around a lot, but Blake hasn’t said anything. I mean I’m sure he will and I’m sure he sees it.”

Danielle just released her new single, “Young In America,” and she will be out with Hunter and Dan + Shay through the end of next month on the We’re Not Invisible Tour.


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Danielle Bradbery – flirting Blake protective :14
“Well, Dan and Shay, especially Shay, he’s commented on some of my stuff and we’re really good friends and we joke around a lot, but Blake hasn’t said anything, I mean I’m sure he will and I’m sure he sees it.”

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