(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Gets Good Advice From Fellow Artists

Considering Danielle Bradbery had never stepped foot on a stage before appearing on The Voice, she had plenty to learn once she signed her record deal with Big Machine Records and she was more than happy to take any advice her fellow artists were willing to share with her.

There were plenty of people who were kind enough to share things with her, but she says, “I think I have like the top three that’s really givin’ me good advice was Blake, Miranda and Taylor Swift. I got to be face to face with Taylor, and with her starting young, she knew I was on radio tour at the time, and still am, but she goes, ‘I knew how that was and I started young like you, and the more you do stuff and the more it goes on, the more you’re gonna see you’re gonna have so much fun with everything’. She was just kind of givin’ me don’t give up, it’s gonna get more and more fun and it was really awesome getting to hear that from her.”

Danielle bonded with Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert through her time on The voice and she still continues to keep in touch with them and she says, “Miranda and Blake are always, ‘If you ever need anything, just let us know’, and they’re kind of part of why I’m staying grounded. And they’re like, ‘girl you better not go on the wrong path’, and I’m like, OK.”

Fortunately, Danielle has managed to stay well grounded, even with her debut single, “The Heart of Dixie,” becoming her first top 15 single and being out on the Beat This Winter Tour with Brad Paisley.


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Danielle Bradbery – best advice you’ve received :52
“I think I have like the top three that’s really givin’ me good advice was Blake, Miranda and Taylor Swift. I got to be face to face with Taylor, and with her starting young, she knew I was on radio tour at the time, and still am, but she goes, ‘I knew how that was and I started young like you, and the more you do stuff and the more it goes on, the more you’re gonna see you’re gonna have so much fun with everything’. She was just kind of givin’ me don’t give up, it’s gonna get more and more fun and it was really awesome getting to hear that from her. And Miranda and Blake are always, ‘If you ever need anything, just let us know’, and they’re kind of part of why I’m staying grounded. And they’re like, ‘girl you better not go on the wrong path’, and I’m like, OK.”

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