Like a lot of us, when Christmastime rolls around, Danielle Bradbery and her family like to load up in the car and drive around looking at Christmas lights, whether they’re huge, organized displays or just random houses.  But there’s another Christmas day tradition that Danielle has with her family that might be a bit unexpected.  She says, “We spend it with my mom every morning and then we go to my dad’s and there’s a bunch of food.  But one thing do every morning at my mom’s is we make or have tamales.  I kind of have a little bit of a Hispanic heritage on my mom’s side so that’s what my grandmother, her mom, always did.  She made tamales so that was a tradition to have every morning on Christmas.”

No doubt, this Christmas, Danielle will be celebrating her brand new album that was just released on December 10th, featuring her single, “Sway,” with her family.


Danielle Bradbery – Christmas  :37

“One thing, actually we do, is we love going driving around and seeing all the lights.  And some of ‘em have it turned into the radio station and we get to see those.  Other than going and doing something we just kind of hang out at home and I have two families I have to see.  So we spend it with my mom every morning and then we go to my dad’s and there’s a bunch of food.  But one thing do every morning at my mom’s is we make or have tamales.  I kind of have a little bit of a Hispanic heritage on my mom’s side so that’s what my grandmother, her mom, always did.  She made tamales so that was a tradition to have every morning on Christmas.