(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Has The Perfect Song For Daddy’s Girls Everywhere

Danielle Bradbery’s current single is “Young In America,” but there’s another song on her debut album called “Daughter of a Workin’ Man” that she thinks is perfect for daddy’s girls on Father’s Day. “I’m a daddy’s girl and so it fit perfectly to dedicate it to my Dad,” says Danielle. “I thought, well, this would be perfect for a lot of daddy’s girls out there that can dedicate it to Father’s Day, or just show their dad this song and that would make me feel good ‘cause I dedicate it to my Dad and it really means something to me.”

Danielle’s debut album, also featuring her first single, “The Heart of Dixie,” is available now.


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Danielle Bradbery – Daughter of a Workin’ Man :21
“I’m a daddy’s girl and so it fit perfectly to dedicate it to my Dad. I thought, well, this would be perfect for a lot of daddy’s girls out there that can dedicate it to Father’s Day, or just show their dad this song and that would make me feel good ‘cause I dedicate it to my Dad and it really means something to me.”

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