(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Is Dangerous In A Shopping Mall

Like most teenagers, Danielle Bradbery loves to shop … a lot. The “Young in America” singer confesses, “Man, anywhere I go, if I’m at home, just anywhere, I will find the nearest mall, the nearest boutiques or anything and you better get me outta there before I buy the whole store. I am a big shopper and I love like ‘Urban Outfitters’ and that kinda thing.”

Lucky for Danielle she has a job that requires her to wear cute clothes and do some shopping from time to time, so it’s kind of like the best of both worlds for her.


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Danielle Bradbery – what kind of shopper :20
“Man, anywhere I go, if I’m at home, just anywhere, I will find the nearest mall, the nearest boutiques or anything and you better get me outta there before I buy the whole store. I am a big shopper and I love like ‘Urban Outfitters’ and that kinda thing. So, yah I love to shop.”

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