One of the most humbling and gratifying parts of Danielle Bradbery’s job is having an impact on young people and even people her age who consider her a role model.  “It makes me feel really good,” she says.  “I mean, for example, during meet and greets I look around and I say, ‘Wow, these people are here to meet me.’ And it’s crazy how this just happens and I just look down the line and there’s little girls standing there with their little papers all excited and, and I look at them and I smile and they go crazy and hold onto their moms. I’m like, that is insane.”

When Danielle was a contestant on The Voice, she shared her experience of being bullied in school, and now having young people tell her that hearing her story helps them because they are dealing with some of the same things in school, Danielle says, “I’ve always wanted to make an impact on people and help them get through something and I’ve always wanted to do that through my music and now I get to and it just, it makes me feel amazing and I love helping people.”

Danielle will release her sophomore album, I Don’t Believe We’ve Met, featuring her latest single, “Sway,” on December 1st.  She co-wrote seven of the ten songs on the album and shared even more of her personal stories and experiences and she hopes that her music will continue to have a positive impact on people.

Danielle Bradbery – comfortable being a role model  :49

“It makes me feel really good. I mean, for example, during meet and greets I look around and I say, ‘Wow, these people are here to meet me.’ And it’s crazy how this just happens and I just look down the line and there’s  little girls standing there with their little papers all excited and, and I look at them and I smile and they go crazy and hold onto their moms. I’m like, that is insane. And then once they get up to me they’re, ‘I look up to you,’ and some people are my age and they’re like, ‘I look up to you so much. And I heard your story on The Voice you got bullied in middle school and I’m having trouble with that,’ and just hearing that it’s like, wow. Like I’ve always wanted to make an impact on people and help them get through something and I’ve always wanted to do that through my music and now I get to and it just, it makes me feel amazing and I love helping people.”