Danielle Bradbery will release her sophomore album, I Don’t Believe We’ve Met, this Friday, and in a word, Danielle says it’s an honest album.  Danielle co-wrote seven of the ten songs on this new album and she says, “Prepare for, honestly, a lot of emotions.  You have your fun ones but those are actually just real feelings and true feelings that I want them to experience too. I would say prepare some tissues for a couple of songs.”

More than anything, Danielle hopes her fans will see themselves in these songs and know that whatever they might be feeling or going through, they’re not alone.  She says, “We all go through it. And so hopefully we can just kind of live through things together and it’s just an honest album.”

The title, I Don’t Believe We’ve Met, is meant to represent the introduction of Danielle as the artist she has grown into since releasing her first album, four years ago, when she was just 17 years old.  She says the title was a perfect choice, “because we want to reintroduce myself and we want to say hello again and be like, okay, that was me then and this is me now.”

Not only has Danielle grown as a person and as an artist on this new album, but it’s also the first time she’s recorded songs that she wrote and she says, “I am proud of myself cause I definitely have more of a voice and I’m getting to do exactly what I wanted the album to be.”

I Don’t Believe We’ve Met features Danielle’s current single, “Sway,” as well as the empowering “Worth It,” and the heart wrenching, “Human Diary.”

Danielle Bradbery – summarize album  :40

“Prepare for, honestly, a lot of emotions.  You have your fun ones but those are actually just real feelings and true feelings that I want them to experience too. I would say prepare some tissues for a couple of songs.  But I just hope more than anything that if they can get anything out of this whole album is hopefully advice or any of my songs can help them through whatever they’re going through. I know a lot of people have gone through some things on this album. So it’s basically telling ‘em you’re not alone. We all go through it. And so hopefully we can just kind of live through things together and it’s just an honest album.”


Danielle Bradbery – proud of album  :17

“I am proud of myself cause I definitely have more of a voice and I’m getting to do exactly what I wanted the album to be.  So it’s fun and it’s fun to see the fans’ reaction and then finally for it to be out. So it’s been really exciting.”


Danielle Bradebery – R&B country  :25

“With the inspiration of so many different genres growing up, I honestly, I don’t want to stay in one lane.  I kind of want to risk it a little bit and go off of different genres and kind of intertwine those together.  And I wouldn’t say I do the pop country. I do more and I love more, the R&B country and I feel like those two mend together a lot better.”


Danielle Bradbery – title of album  :30

“It honestly came just as easy as literally introducing myself to somebody and my manager being around and catching that and how cool that sounded. And we’re like okay let’s keep that in our back pocket for the album. In the meantime of us working on it at a meeting we pulled it back out and realized this fits perfectly because we want to reintroduce myself and we want to say hello again and be like, okay, that was me then and this is me now.”


Danielle Bradbery – fans learning new music  :27

It’s a moment, for sure. And with this new stuff I was kind of nervous.  I’m like, ‘How long is it going to take them to get to know it?’ And now, getting to actually be a part of writing the song and starting with a blank piece of paper and starting with nothing and then having something, and then going out there, and then finally hearing everybody saying your piece of art that you are part of. It’s such an amazing feeling.”