(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Learns To Be Careful What She Wishes For

After Danielle Bradbery won The Voice on NBC a couple of years ago, she made a comment that she would love the opportunity to sing the national anthem at a professional baseball of football game. Well, plenty of people heard her request and now she says, “Ever since then they’ve wanted to book me for everything.”

Most recently Danielle sang the national anthem to open one of the nights of performances during CMA Music Festival at LP Field. She didn’t used to get nervous about singing the song but she says, “Now that I’m doing it and hearing what other artists have to say about it, and they’re terrified, it’s like OK now I’m starting to get scared. But, it’s an honor.”

Fortunately one song that doesn’t terrify her to sing is her new all-American single, “Young In America,” off her debut album.


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Danielle Bradbery – singing national anthem :24
“Doing the National Anthem I feel like. I mean at first I made the statement coming off The Voice, ‘Oh, I wish I could do the National Anthem at some baseball or football game’, and ever since then they’ve wanted to book me for everything. Now that I’m doing it and hearing what other artists have to say about it, and they’re terrified, it’s like OK now I’m starting to get scared. But, it’s an honor.”

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