(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Makes New Friends In Her Latest Video

Danielle Bradbery loved making the video for her latest single, “Young in America,” not only because it was a day of fun in the sun with a patriotic theme, but she says she actually ended up making friends with the extras who appeared in the video with her. “I made a lot of friends. The group of friends that I had in (the video) I didn’t know. I just met them that day, and that’s the cool thing about it is … I mean we had a lot of fun, we had fireworks involved and it was really patriotic and I love all that kind of stuff. It’s awesome.”

You can see the video for “Young In America” featuring Danielle and her new friends here.


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Danielle Bradbery – Young in America video :20
“My ‘Young in America’ video I made a lot of friends. The group of friends that I had in it I didn’t know. I just met them that day, and that’s the cool thing about it is … I mean we had a lot of fun, we had fireworks involved and it was really patriotic and I love all that kind of stuff. It’s awesome.”

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