(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Shares Her Favorite Part of Her Job

When Danielle Bradbery signed her record deal with Big Machine Records back in June, everything was brand new to her.  Now that she’s had about six months to experience life as an artist she says her favorite part of the job so far is being in the studio recording her self-titled debut album.  “Just the thought of that it’s crazy,” she says, “’cause they handed me all these songs and I mean at first I thought, how am I going to pick a good hand full of songs that the whole world is just gonna say, ‘OK these hand full of songs, this tells me about Danielle’? That kind of put the test to me, for myself to just sit down and listen to these songs over and over again and think, well this song can fit me in this way, and I can relate to this in this way.”  Ultimately she ended up with 11 songs, including her debut single, “The Heart of Dixie,” that she feels each have their own unique sound but still represent her as an artist.  And so she says, “I think that was my favorite moment, getting that worked up.”


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Danielle Bradbery – favorite part of job so far  :53

“I think it’s being in the studio recording my album, and just the thought of that it’s crazy. ‘Cause they handed me all these songs and I mean at first I thought, how am I going to pick a good hand full of songs that the whole world is just gonna say, ‘OK these hand full of songs, this tells me about Danielle’? That kind of put the test to me, for myself to just sit down and listen to these songs over and over again and think, well this song can fit me in this way, and I can relate to this in this way, and I feel like each and every song has its own unique sound to it and I made sure when it comes on the radio it’s just like, OK this has a different awesome sound to it and this is Danielle’s song. Just things like that. I think that was my favorite moment, getting that worked up.”

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