(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Thinks It’s Crazy She Has Her Own Wikipedia Page

Danielle Bradbery has her first top 15 hits and her first album in stores and she also has something thinks is kind of crazy, her own Wikipedia page. Danielle thinks it’s crazy because she says, “Before I’ve seen all of these Wikipedia pages about all these big artists and looking up and researching stuff and now people can research all they want about me. It’s crazy.”

If you check out Danielle’s Wikipedia web page these days you’ll see she’s currently out on the Beat This Winter Tour with Brad Paisley.


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Danielle Bradbery – having own Wikipedia page :24

“I found out, not long ago, that I had a Wikipedia page and it’s crazy, it really is how, I mean, now that I have that and before I’ve seen all of these Wikipedia pages about all these big artists and looking up and researching stuff and now people can research all they want about me. It’s crazy.”

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