(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Uses Social Media As A Way To Give Back To Her Fans

Like many teenagers, Danielle Bradbery is on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook, but she views all of those platforms as a great way to enhance her career. Danielle says, “Most of the time (it’s) how I connect with the fans and kind of keep them updated in my personal life, or just let them know what’s goin’ on. They’re still talkin’ about ‘Heart of Dixie’ and my video, and the album, and seein’ them like that it’s just, oh my gosh that’s so cool.”

While some artists aren’t big on sharing personal details with fans on social networks like Twitter, Danielle enjoys it because she says, “They’re really good supporters, and if I can, I’ll try to get back to them as much as I can, and as many as I can. And it’s really cool to see what they have to say and their opinions.”

Danielle just released her new single off her debut album called “Young In America.”


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Danielle Bradbery – social media :35
“I’m a big Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, that kinda thing, and that’s most of the time how I connect with the fans and kind of keep them updated in my personal life, or just let them know what’s goin’ on. They’re still talkin’ about ‘Heart of Dixie’ and my video, and the album, and seein’ them like that it’s just, oh my gosh that’s so cool. And they’re really good supporters, and if I can, I’ll try to get back to them as much as I can, and as many as I can. And it’s really cool to see what they have to say and their opinions.”

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