(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery’s “Young In America” Is Off To A Good Start

Danielle Bradbery just released her new single, “Young In America,” and so far she’s pleased with how it’s being received by fans. She’s out on tour with Hunter Hayes and she says, “They have a lot of fun with it. I tell ‘em this is my next single and they get so excited. They just all dance, and I’m like ‘yes, this is a good start.’ This is a good start.”

Danielle will wrap up the We’re Not Invisible Tour on May 31st and then she’ll spend her summer on the fair and festival circuit. You can see a complete list of her tour dates here.


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Danielle Bradbery – Young in America in concert :11
“They have a lot of fun with it. I tell ‘em this is my next single and they get so excited. They just all dance, and I’m like ‘yes, this is a good start.’ This is a good start.”

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