(AUDIO) Drake White Doesn’t Have A Set Writing Process For His Songs

Some artists who write their own songs have to write in a certain environment, or at certain times or with certain people, but Drake White says, “I don’t really have a rhyme or reason for it. I’ll go out sometimes and do some yard work [or whatever]. I write through experiences, so it’s just, I don’t have a place that I go.”

Something he else he doesn’t do is wake up with a song he dreamt of in his sleep. “Some people are like, ‘Man, I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote down this thing’, and I’m like, ‘I don’t do that.’” Drake says, “When I get in my bed I sleep in it.”

Inspiration can strike Drake at any time, but it’s usually just as he’s living his day to day life, so he says, “It’s not glamorous or anything like that, it’s just like, give me a notepad and I’ve got this idea.”

Drake debut single on Dot Records called “Feels Good,” will be released in the coming weeks.


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Drake White – writing process :25
“I don’t really have a rhyme or reason for it. I’ll go out sometimes and do some yard work. I write through experiences, so it’s just, I don’t have a place that I go. I tell people all the time, some people are like, ‘Man, I woke up in the middle of the night and wrote down this thing’, and I’m like, ‘I don’t do that.’ When I get in my bed I sleep in it. And so, it’s not glamorous or anything like that, it’s just like, give me a notepad and I’ve got this idea.”


Drake White’s new single “It Feels Good” has been released to country radio. Meanwhile, as he works to complete his upcoming album on Dot Records, he has some tour dates on the books starting in April.


HOMETOWN: Hokes Bluff, Alabama

DEBUT SINGLE: 2013’s “Simple Life” (MCA Records)

DEBUT ALBUM: Coming on DOT Records.

CURRENT SINGLE:  Brand new “It Feels Good”



Drake White @DrakeWhite · March 7
Post the pics and videos using #itfeelsgood RT @RRemodeling: @DrakeWhite People play “it feels good” for your … http://tmi.me/1f0CpJ

Drake White @DrakeWhite · March 6
Good times Jville! Yall be good now & spread that! #Repost jacksonville!!!! @991WQIK Game on. https://instagram.com/p/z6LV03m-8t/

Drake White @DrakeWhite · March 6
Can’t believe this made RS! Never done Bruno’s tune.. On the spot jibber jabber. Good job Cam! … http://tmi.me/1f0yJR



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