Drake White is a man who loves a good hat, but he says the only way to find the perfect hat is to try it on.  “It’s how you feel when you put it on and look in the mirror.  That’s what it’s about.  When you put it on and you look in the mirror and you’re like ‘Ah, yeah, I feel like I can conquer the world.’  Then you’ve found the ultimate hat.”

Drake buys a lot of his hats at hatWRKS on 8th Avenue in Nashville, but he may have a chance to pick up some new hats while he’s out on the road with Zac Brown Band this summer on the Black Out the Sun Tour.  Perhaps he’ll buy a new hat to celebrate the success of his latest single, “Livin’ the Dream,” which has broken into the top 30 and is continuing to climb the charts.


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Drake White – good hat criteria  :13

“It’s how you feel when you put it on and look in the mirror.  That’s what it’s about.  When you put it on and you look in the mirror and you’re like ‘Ah, yeah, I feel like I can conquer the world.’  Then you’ve found the ultimate hat.”