Drake White’s latest single is called “Livin’ the Dream,” and ever since he released it, fans have been sharing photos on social media of their version of livin’ the dream, whether it’s being with family, at a concert, enjoying the outdoors, or whatever it may be. Drake says, “It’s been really really cool to see all these pictures of all these folks, and what their livin’ the dream is. That’s what’s unique about that statement. Everybody says, ‘Well how ya doin’, Drake?’ ‘Well, I’m livin’ the dream.’ Well, my livin’ the dream is in the woods, ya know, hangin’ out in a cabin or hangin’ out on a beach, ya know, on a surfboard or hangin’ out somewhere desolate where nobody’s at. Where somebody else’s livin’ the dream might be in a club or bein’ in a very high populated area.”
Drake says the idea that livin’ the dream can mean so many different things to so many people is what inspired him to ask people to share their version. He says, “I just had the idea- I would love to see what Drake White fans, The Fire Starters is what we call them, I’d love to see what their pictures of what their livin’ the dream is.”
You can share your photos with Drake on Twitter @DrakeWhite or Instagram @drakewhitestomp.
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Drake White – pics of Livin’ the Dream :40
“It’s been really really cool to see all these pictures of all these folks, and what their livin’ the dream is. That’s what’s unique about that statement. Everybody says, ‘Well how ya doin’, Drake?’ ‘Well, I’m livin’ the dream.’ Well, my livin’ the dream is in the woods, ya know, hangin’ out in a cabin or hangin’ out on a beach, ya know, on a surfboard or hangin’ out somewhere desolate where nobody’s at. Where somebody else’s livin’ the dream might be in a club or bein’ in a very high populated area. So livin’ the dream means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. So I just had the idea- I would love to see what Drake White fans, The Fire Starters is what we call them, I’d love to see what their pictures of what their livin’ the dream is.”