In addition to just releasing their latest album, Dig Your Roots, Florida Georgia Line also just released their new Old Camp Whiskey, which comes in two different flavors, including peach pecan.  Tyler Hubbard says one reason they chose such a unique flavor is because it will stand apart from other whiskeys on the market.  But also, he says, “It represents Georgia and Florida and the Southeast and where we’re from.  And I mean, we both had pecan trees and peach trees, if not in our backyard, right around our house and just a big part of our childhood.  So I feel like every time BK and I kind of taste it, it kind of takes us back there and hopefully it’ll do the same for our fans.”


Plus, Tyler and BK realize not everyone is a whiskey drinker, but Tyler says, “It’s a flavor that everyone can enjoy, even the non-whiskey drinker.  You can literally put it on, just on ice and it almost tastes like a cocktail already pre-made if you’re just drinking it straight.”


Old Camp Whiskey also comes in a straight whiskey, which Tyler says is “for the whiskey connoisseurs and the guys that wanna have that whiskey flavor.”


Monday night, Florida Georgia Line will debut their new video for “May We All,” featuring Tim McGraw, on their YouTube Channel, and in front of a select group of invited media and guests on New York’s Ellis Island

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Florida Georgia Line – why peach pecan  :39

Tyler – “Well I think it’s gonna stand apart, you know, it’s gonna set itself apart and also it represents Georgia and Florida and the Southeast and where we’re from.  And I mean, we both had pecan trees and peach trees, if not in our backyard, right around our house and just a big part of our childhood.  So I feel like every time BK and I kind of taste it, it kind of takes us back there and hopefully it’ll do the same for our fans, you know.  And it’s also, it’s a flavor that everyone can enjoy, even the non-whiskey drinker.  You can literally put it on, just on ice and it almost tastes like a cocktail already pre-made if you’re just drinking it straight.  So it’s something that everybody’s gonna love and then we also have the straight whiskey as well for the whiskey connoisseurs and the guys that wanna have that whiskey flavor.”