Florida Georgia Line launched their debut single, “Cruise,” six years ago, and since that time, they’ve made a ton of fans, but there are a few who have been there since day one, whom Tyler and Brian know by name and whose dedication means the world to them.  According to Brian, “We have a couple of fans, probably more than a couple, that show up and have shown up everywhere. I mean, from our Hawaii shows to Australia to London to middle of the field in whatever festival. There’s a couple of fans man, I mean Charlotte… shout out Charlotte Richards.  Her and her friends, you never know where they’re going to show up, and I think that is so cool man.”

The time and money that it takes to travel to all those shows to support FGL is not lost on Brian or Tyler.  Brian says, “They save up, they put money aside to come see us and they work hard for that money. It means a lot to see them. We’ll see them in meet and greets halfway across the world and it’s like, man, that’s super cool. So I just think the loyalty that all country music fans have is amazing and that’s what keeps us going. So without our fans we don’t have anything. So it’s cool to connect with them at our live shows and see familiar faces and kind of have that relationship and that connection.”

Florida Georgia Line has been giving their fans some new music from their forthcoming fourth album, including their latest single, “Simple,” plus “Colorado,” and a brand new song they just released on Friday called “Talk You Out of It.”

Florida Georgia Line – memorable FGL fans :44

Brian Kelley – “We have a couple of fans, probably more than a couple, that show up and have shown up everywhere. I mean, from our Hawaii shows to Australia to London to middle of the field in whatever festival. There’s a couple of fans man, I mean Charlotte…”

Tyler Hubbard – “Shout out Charlotte.”

Brian – “Shout out Charlotte Richards.  Her and her friends, you never know where they’re going to show up, and I think that is so cool man, that they save up, they put money aside to come see us and they work hard for that money. It means a lot to see them. We’ll see them in meet and greets halfway across the world and it’s like, man, that’s super cool. So I just think the loyalty that all country music fans have is amazing and that’s what keeps us going. So without our fans we don’t have anything. So it’s cool to connect with them at our live shows and see familiar faces and kind of have that relationship and that connection.”