(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Does Their Best To Live The Simple Life

Florida Georgia Line’s career has blown up over the past two years, but even with the size and scope of things now, they still try to keep life simple whenever possible. Tyler Hubbard says, “It’s all about adjusting and figuring out how to balance our life and what all we have to do with the downtime and stuff like that.”

When you strip it all down, though, Tyler says, “It’s pretty simple, write songs and play shows. So, we’re lovin’ it and we’re enjoyin’ every minute of it.” They have a few more busses on the road these days and their shows are bigger but Tyler says it gets easier to live simply as they learn to adjust with all the changes.

Florida Georgia Line’s latest single, “This Is How We Roll,” is on track to become their fifth consecutive #1 single since releasing their debut single “Cruise.”


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Florida Georgia Line – harder to live simply :30
Tyler Hubbard – “Yes and no. I mean, it’s all about adjusting and figuring out how to balance our life and what all we have to do with the downtime and stuff like that. But it’s pretty simple, write songs and play shows. So, we’re lovin’ it and we’re enjoyin’ every minute of it. It gets easier and easier as we move on and learn how to adjust to everything. And add a few more busses to the road, and just make everybody’s life a little bit more comfortable. It gets easier, and it’s getting easier, but we’re lovin’ every minute of it.”

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