Florida Georgia Line is wrapping up their Dig Your Roots Tour, and they just announced The Smooth Tour this summer with rapper Nelly and Chris Lane.  Of course Nelly appeared on the remix of their monster hit, “Cruise,” and he also toured with FGL previously on their summer ball parks tour.  Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard love mixing things up musically and on stage because Brian says, “We love country music.  We’re that to the core but we like to incorporate a lot of different things. We love a lot of different types of music. That’s just kind of how we grew up. So you know when we’re writing we like to try different things and we found out more times than not, the more Tyler and I started writing as this thing goes on and we start having writers out on the road writing with us, they’ll say, ‘I don’t know if we can do that.’ And we’ll say, ‘Guys there’s no rules, you know these are our songs, there’s no rules here, anything goes.’ So that’s kind of been a motto and a motto for us touring and we’re just pumped about it.”

Another example of their ‘anything goes’ mentality is Florida Georgia Line’s latest single, “God, Your Mama and Me,” featuring the Backstreet Boys.

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Florida Georgia Line – appeal to all genres  :25

Brian Kelley – “We love country music.  We’re that to the core but we like to incorporate a lot of different things. We love a lot of different types of music. That’s just kind of how we grew up. So you know when we’re writing we like to try different things and we found out more times than not, the more Tyler and I started writing as this thing goes on and we start having writers out on the road writing with us, they’ll say, ‘I don’t know if we can do that.’ And we’ll say, ‘Guys there’s no rules, you know these are our songs, there’s no rules here, anything goes.’ So that’s kind of been a motto and a motto for us touring and we’re just pumped about it.”