(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Enjoys Quiet Friday Nights At Home When They’re Not Working

It’s rare that Florida Georgia Line gets a Friday night off at home since they’re on tour so much, but when those rare weekend nights do come along, Brian Kelley says he and his wife prefer to spend time together alone at home. For instance, on one rare Friday night off recently, Brian says, “I think my wife and I, we had a Friday night off in town like a week or two ago and I think we just got pizza and hung with the dogs and watched a movie, and I hadn’t done that in years, and it was awesome. Didn’t go out at all. It was nice to kick back and know you’re gonna feel really, really good in the mornin’.”

Florida Georgia Line will be off for a couple of weeks beginning June 28th, during which time Tyler Hubbard will be getting married. Chances are, he’ll be spending his time off on his honeymoon, and Brian and his wife may decide to take a vacation as well, before getting back on the road for FGL’s Anything Goes Tour, which is the name of their new single and their current album.


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Florida Georgia Line – Friday night when not touring :19
Brian Kelley – “I just depends, yeah. We don’t really get many Friday nights when we’re not playin’, but we did get one recently. I think my wife and I, we had a Friday night off in town like a week or two ago and I think we just got pizza and hung with the dogs and watched a movie, and I hadn’t done that in years, and it was awesome. Didn’t go out at all. It was nice to kick back and know you’re gonna feel really, really good in the mornin’.”

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