For Tyler Hubbard and Brian Kelley, “Simple” isn’t just the name of their latest song, it’s a reminder to them to find ways to simplify their own lives in the midst of everything that comes along with being Florida Georgia Line.  According to Tyler, “One of the things that my wife and I do to keep things ‘Simple,’ if you will, in our world, is actually just kind of put away our phones during dinnertime. That’s become a new rule that we’ve kind of implemented this year. Just letting that time be strictly non-distracted and present time that we can hang out and catch up and talk and just be together.”

These days you can’t go to a restaurant without seeing people staring at their cell phones at the table, but Tyler says, “We both really learned to look forward to those meals, sitting down at a table and putting our phone away and it really does simplify that time in our life and kind of helps us refocus on what’s important and just kind of feel the pressure of not having our phone with us. The pressure is off of us at that point, so that’s just a lot of fun and that’s a simple example of how we try to implement this song into our life.”

“Simple” is currently in the top five on the charts and looks on track to become FGL’s next #1 song in the next couple of weeks.

Florida Georgia Line – Tyler simplify life  :35

Tyler Hubbard – “One of the things that my wife and I do to keep things ‘Simple,’ if you will, in our world, is actually just kind of put away our phones during dinnertime. That’s become a new rule that we’ve kind of implemented this year. Just letting that time be strictly non-distracted and present time that we can hang out and catch up and talk and just be together.  And we both really learned to look forward to those meals, sitting down at a table and putting our phone away and it really does simplify that time in our life and kind of helps us refocus on what’s important and just kind of feel the pressure of not having our phone with us. The pressure is off of us at that point, so that’s just a lot of fun and that’s a simple example of how we try to implement this song into our life.”