When you look at where Florida Georgia Line’s career is now, it’s almost hard to believe they released their smash hit single, “Cruise,” just four and a half years ago.  Since then, “Cruise” has become the only Diamond certified country single by the RIAA, meaning it has sold over 10 million copies, and FGL’s career and success have skyrocketed.  It can be a challenge for anyone to navigate such rapid fame, success and celebrity, which is why Brian and Tyler have been diligent about surrounding themselves in both their professional and their personal lives with people who can help them remain grounded and well-adjusted.  Tyler Hubbard says, “I think BK and I both try to make sure that we have the people around us that remind us of that and remind us of our foundation where we’re at and who we want to be.  And we’re really fortunate to have a great team around us and also our wives that really help us stay focused and stay grounded and stay mentally healthy.”

So while the rapid adjustment has had its challenges, it’s also been a good experience for FGL.  Tyler says, “It’s fun.  It’s a challenge and as we make adjustments along the way, it’s really, it’s a fun lifestyle to adjust to and really figure out how to both be really content and very happy with where we’re at.”

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Florida Georgia Line – adjusting to fame  :29

Tyler Hubbard – “Yeah, I think that’s important.  I think BK and I both try to make sure that we have the people around us that remind us of that and remind us of our foundation where we’re at and who we want to be.  And we’re really fortunate to have a great team around us and also our wives that really help us stay focused and stay grounded and stay mentally healthy, I guess if you will.  So it’s fun it’s a challenge and as we make adjustments along the way it’s really it’s a fun lifestyle to adjust to and really figure out how to both be really content and very happy with where we’re at.”