(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Is Icing The Cake With Their Dig Your Roots Tour

Florida Georgia Line is kicking off their Dig Your Roots Tour this Wednesday and even if you’ve seen them in concert before, Brian Kelley says, “I think visually we’re doin’ some things different this year. We’re gonna have, not a completely different vibe, but just adding some more icing on the cake, if you will.”

Fans have heard some of the evolution of the Florida Georgia Line sound with their latest single, “H.O.L.Y.,” and while he doesn’t want to give away too many details about their new show, Brian says, “Some more of our roots will be added to the show… Once you show up you’ll kinda get it, and throughout the show the set will evolve. It’s more rootsy.”

Cole Swindell, The Cadillac Three and Kane Brown will be opening for Florida Georgia Line on the Dig Your Roots Tour and Tyler Hubbard says, “I think the most important thing too is with every artist there’s a different brand, there’s a different sound, there’s a whole different vibe. From Kane to Cadillac Three to Cole to us, it goes from one extreme to the next. So, I think overall as a show it’ll be a great, great tour. Somethin’ that people will show up at seven when the doors open and Kane hits the stage and won’t leave until ‘Cruise’ is finished and I think that’s gonna be the coolest part of it, just seein’ all sorts of different fans at one place ready to rock.”

You can see a complete list of dates for Florida Georgia Line’s Dig Your Roots Tour on floridageorgialine.com.

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Florida Georgia Line – Dig Your Roots Tour :50
Brian Kelley – “I think visually we’re doin’ some things different this year. We’re gonna have, not a completely different vibe, but just adding some more icing on the cake, if you will. I think that fits the Florida Georgia Line vibe. Some more of our roots will be added to the show. I don’t wanna give it away, but I think it’ll be cool. Once you show up you’ll kinda get it, and throughout the show the set will evolve. It’s more rootsy.”

Tyler Hubbard – “I think the most important thing too is with every artist there’s a different brand, there’s a different sound, there’s a whole different vibe. From Kane to Cadillac Three to Cole to us, it goes from one extreme to the next. So, I think overall as a show it’ll be a great, great tour. Somethin’ that people will show up at seven when the doors open and Kane hits the stage and won’t leave until ‘Cruise’ is finished and I think that’s gonna be the coolest part of it, just seein’ all sorts of different fans at one place ready to rock.”