Brian and Tyler of Florida Georgia Line ran pretty hard for most of 2016, so now that the holidays are here, they’re looking forward to slowing down and enjoying some low key time at home.  Brian says he plans to spend his holiday, “Just hangin’ out with family, hangin’ out with the dogs, laying low, just doing normal people things, man. Just kinda getting off tour and doing honey-dos, fixing up the house, putting Christmas lights up, Christmas trees, enjoying the season, man. It’s a great time of the year, and a great time to reflect as well, and be thankful for our amazing fans and amazing tour that just ended.”

One thing Florida Georgia Line will surely be reflecting on this holiday season is their latest #1 song, “May We All,” which just became their 11th song to top the charts.

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Florida Georgia Line – Christmas plans  :19

Brian Kelly – “Just hangin’ out with family, hangin’ out with the dogs, laying low, just doing normal people things, man. Just kinda getting off tour and doing honey-dos, fixing up the house, putting Christmas lights up, Christmas trees, enjoying the season, man. It’s a great time of the year, and a great time to reflect as well, and be thankful for our amazing fans and amazing tour that just ended.”