Florida Georgia Line has been on a hot streak of #1 songs, and while it would be nice to maintain that streak, Brian Kelley says, “I think the only streak that we’re concerned with is just puttin’ out the best song. Whether it goes #1 or not, if we feel, at the end of the day, we put out the best song, I think we can live with that, you know. ‘Cause everything is always gonna change. What was cool is 1995 is, well to us still cool on country radio, but it may not be cool now or whatever may be relevant. But if we put out what we feel is the best that we love, I think we’re cool with that.”

We have little doubt that FGL’s current single, ”H.O.L.Y.,” will keep their #1 song streak alive.

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Florida Georgia Line – maintaining #1 streak :23
Brian Kelley – “I think the only streak that we’re concerned with is just puttin’ out the best song. Whether it goes #1 or not, if we feel, at the end of the day, we put out the best song, I think we can live with that, you know. ‘Cause everything is always gonna change. What was cool is 1995 is, well to us still cool on country radio, but it may not be cool now or whatever may be relevant. But if we put out what we feel is the best, that we love, I think we’re cool with that.”