(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Loved Working With Luke Bryan In The Studio

Florida Georgia Line’s latest single, “This Is How We Roll,” is poised to become their fifth consecutive #1 song. The guys were excited to work with their good buddy Luke Bryan on the song. Brian Kelley says, “Gettin’ to work with Luke in the studio, you know, is probably one of the coolest thing we’ve gotten to do. He brings so much energy to the track too. I mean, pretty much any room he walks into, you know it’s gonna be a good time.”

FGL and Luke actually co-wrote the song and Brian says, “Just overall, it just felt like a magical day. It’s an incredible track and the song-writing gods were kind of on our side that day, sittin’ in the back of the bus.”

Once the song was finished they all felt great about it and Brian says they knew they were going to enjoy the ride together, wherever the song went, and just have a good time with it.


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Florida Georgia Line – working with Luke in studio :26
Brian Kelley – “Gettin’ to work with Luke in the studio, you know, is probably one of the coolest thing we’ve gotten to do. He brings so much energy to the track too. I mean, pretty much any room he walks into, you know it’s gonna be a good time. Just overall, it just felt like a magical day. It’s an incredible track and the song-writing gods were kind of on our side that day, sittin’ in the back of the bus. Take it in the studio, you know, just a magical day. So, just crazy that Luke hopped on the track with us and we’re gonna enjoy the ride together. It’s gonna be a good time.”

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