Florida Georgia Line’s latest single, “God, Your Mama and Me,” is just one of three collaborations on their Dig Your Roots album.  Those collaborations are one of the things the guys think make their latest album unique and special.  Brian Kelley says, “We’ve got one with Ziggy Marley, we’ve got the Backstreet Boys, we’ve also got our childhood hero, our good buddy Tim McGraw. So that’s kind of different for us.”

Another thing that sets Dig Your Roots apart from previous FGL albums is that Brian is singing leads on a couple of the songs.  Brian says,  And this is B.K. speaking and I’ve also got a couple of songs I’m singing lead on so that’s a little bit different for us and our fans.  And it’s cool for Tyler and I just to show another side of who we really are.”

“God, Your Mama and Me is the third single Florida Georgia Line has released off their latest album, following “H.O.L.Y.” and “May We All,” featuring Tim McGraw.

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Florida Georgia Line – how describe latest album  :23

Brian Kelley – “What’s cool about this album, it kind of separates itself from Anything Goes in the fact that we’ve got three collaborations. So we’ve got one with Ziggy Marley, we’ve got the Backstreet Boys, we’ve also got our childhood hero, our good buddy Tim McGraw. So that’s kind of different for us. And this is B.K. speaking and I’ve also got a couple of songs I’m singing lead on so that’s a little bit different for us and our fans.  And it’s cool for Tyler and I just to show another side of who we really are.”