The odds are good that Florida Georgia Line will take home their fourth Vocal Duo of the Year trophy at this year’s CMA Awards, but something they look forward to the most at the CMA Awards is catching up with all their friends.  “I think that’s kind of the thing we look forward to the most,” says Tyler Hubbard. “It’s in Nashville, so close to home. All of our friends are there. So there’s a little bit of work that comes along with it, but we all kind of do our thing and look forward to hanging out afterwards and it’s sort of like a country music reunion, if you will.”

Florida Georgia Line is heading into the CMA Awards with “May We All” sitting in the top ten and is potentially on its way to becoming their 10th #1 hit at radio.

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Florida Georgia Line – what enjoy about CMA Awards  :14

Tyler Hubbard – “I think that’s kind of the thing we look forward to the most. It’s in Nashville, so close to home. All of our friends are there. So there’s a little bit of work that comes along with it, but we all kind of do our thing and look forward to hanging out afterwards and it’s sort of like a country music reunion, if you will.”