As Florida Georgia Line continues to promote their new Dig Your Roots album, they’ll be performing tomorrow night on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars.  When they got the invitation to perform on the dancing competition, saying yes was a no-brainer.  Tyler Hubbard says, “That is a show that we’ve watched a little bit, but I think more than watched, we’ve heard the great reviews of it and nothing but amazing things. So we’re excited. We saw the opportunity and we jumped on it. We were like, ‘Yeah, we need to get on that.’ So we can’t wait to bust out all of our dance moves to ‘H.O.L.Y.’ It’s gonna be an epic performance. We’re excited to get on the show and see what it’s all about.”


In addition to performing “H.O.L.Y.,” off of Dig Your Roots, which also features their current single, “May We All,” Florida Georgia Line will also perform their debut #1 song, “Cruise.”

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Florida Georgia Line – Dancing with the Stars  :20

Tyler Hubbard – “That is a show that we’ve watched a little bit, but I think more than watched, we’ve heard the great reviews of it and nothing but amazing things. So we’re excited. We saw the opportunity and we jumped on it. We were like, ‘Yeah, we need to get on that.’ So we can’t wait to bust out all of our dance moves to ‘H.O.L.Y.’ It’s gonna be an epic performance. We’re excited to get on the show and see what it’s all about.”