Florida Georgia Line has had a lot of success on the charts with their songs, scoring a string of #1 hits, which might put a little bit of pressure on them to pick the next big hit to record and release, but Tyler Hubbard says there’s actually a much bigger motivator for him and Brian to only pick great songs.  “More than worry about if we’re doing the right thing and making the exact right move, or is country radio going to like this exact song or whatever, we have to realize that if we single a song we have to sing that for the rest of our life … every single night for the rest of our life,” says Tyler. “So.I think we’re more worried about almost that than anything, just doing music that we love, music that we can’t wait to get on stage and play. I think that’s a big thing as well. It kind of helps us go in the right direction.”

You can bet that they won’t grow tired of singing their latest single, “God, Your Mama and Me,” featuring The Backstreet Boys.  In fact, the guys will all be singing it together on the ACM Awards, coming up April 2nd on CBS.

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Florida Georgia Line – sing songs every night  :22

Tyler Hubbard – “More than worry about if we’re doing the right thing and making the exact right move or is country radio going to like this exact song or whatever, we have to realize that if we single a song we have to sing that for the rest of our life … every single night for the rest of our life. So. I think we’re more worried about almost that than anything, just doing music that we love, music that we can’t wait to get on stage and play. I think that’s a big thing as well. It kind of helps us go in the right direction.”