(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Planning “Can’t Afford Not To” Lifestyle Line

The guys in Florida Georgia Line have a saying, “Can’t Afford Not To,” that they often hashtag on social media, and now it looks like they’re going to turn that saying into a whole line of lifestyle products. Some people thought it was a clothing line, but Tyler Hubbard explains, “I wouldn’t call it a clothing line, I’d call it a lifestyle. More of a way of takin’ advantage of opportunities and just things you wouldn’t ever think you’d do, or whatever you know. It’s honestly just a saying that became myself, kind of all of our group of buddies just have always said for the last couple years and it just kind of hit us.”

“For example,” says Brian Kelley, “party when it’s not your birthday … can’t afford not to.”

The Can’t Afford Not to lifestyle line is still a work in progress, but Tyler says, “We have some cool creative ideas. It kinda opens up a door for us to get creative and use it for good and work with different charities and start our own kinda thing. The wheels are kinda spinnin’ right now.”


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Florida Georgia Line – Can’t Afford Not To line :36
Tyler Hubbard – “I wouldn’t call it a clothing line, I’d call it a lifestyle. More of a way of takin’ advantage of opportunities and just things you wouldn’t ever think you’d do, or whatever you know. It’s honestly just a saying that became myself, kind of all of our group of buddies just have always said for the last couple years and it just kind of hit us.”
Brian Kelley – “For example, party when it’s not your birthday … can’t afford not to.”
Tyler – “I mean we’ll see what happens. We have some cool creative ideas. It kinda opens up a door for us to get creative and use it for good and work with different charities and start our own kinda thing. The wheel are kinda spinnin’ right now.”

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