Florida Georgia Line recently kicked off the 2017 leg of their Dig Your Roots Tour, and according to Brian Kelley, they plan to use the momentum of the tour to continue their creativity into the New Year.  He says, “We’re taking to Dig Your Roots to or all the way through January … or all the way through March I believe, actually.  So we’ll be touring, we’ll be rockin full steam ahead, we’ll be songwriting on the road with the Tree Vibes publishing bus that we have. That’s the company Tyler and I started. So we’ve got our songwriters out staying creative and workin’ and grindin’ and just doing our thing.”

Florida Georgia Line just released “God, Your Mama and Me,” the third single off their Dig Your Roots album, so chances are they’re already starting to write for their next album, although it may be a while before they release it.

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Florida Georgia Line – plans for the year  :21

Brian Kelley – “We’re taking to Dig Your Roots to or all the way through January … or all the way through March I believe, actually.  So we’ll be touring, we’ll be rockin full steam ahead, we’ll be songwriting on the road with the Tree Vibes publishing bus that we have. That’s the company Tyler and I started. So we’ve got our songwriters out staying creative and workin’ and grindin’ and just doing our thing.”