(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Preparing For Tyler Hubbard’s Wedding Very Soon

In just a couple of short weeks, Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line will be the latest country guy to tie the knot. He and his fiancée Hayley are planning to get married around the end of the month, and Tyler jokes, “I pretty much planned it all.” In all seriousness he says, “I helped out a little bit. I’ll take a little credit. I just pretty much had to make sure my guys had their clothes right, but other than that, Miss Hayley really did a great job, we have a great wedding planner so, tried to take as much stress out of that situation as possible.”

Honestly, Tyler hasn’t had much time to contribute to the planning of the wedding since Florida Georgia Line just released their new single and video, “Anything Goes,” which is also the name of their tour they’ll be out on through October. Tyler and Hayley are thankful for all the wedding planning help they’ve received because he says, “Last thing you wanna do is be stressed out when you get married. So, we’re just chillin’.”


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Florida Georgia Line – Tyler wedding :22
Tyler Hubbard – “I pretty much planned it all. No, I’m very excited. I’m very ready. It’s comin’ up soon, just a few weeks. I will say I helped out a little bit. I’ll take a little credit. I just pretty much had to make sure my guys had their clothes right, but other than that, Miss Hayley really did a great job, we have a great wedding planner so, tried to take as much stress out of that situation as possible. Last thing you wanna do is be stressed out when you get married. So, we’re just chillin’.”

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