Florida Georgia Line has had a lot of interesting collaborations in their career, including their latest single, “God, Your Mama and Me,” with the Backstreet Boys, and just recently they revealed that they recorded a song with the EDM (electronic dance music) group, The Chainsmokers.  Tyler Hubbard explains, “It kind of happened last minute.  We got a call from them and they pretty much had this song and they wanted us to sing on it. And it was just a meant to be thing, it really was.”

The guys get asked all the time who they’d like to collaborate with, and for some reason, in a recent interview, Brian Kelley said The Chainsmokers, which was not a name he’d ever said before, but Tyler agreed it would be cool. It was funny, a few weeks earlier we literally were in an interview and they said, ‘Who would you like to collaborate with?’ And for the first time. BK said, ‘Well the Chainsmokers would be cool.’ And in my head I literally was thinking, ‘Wow, that’s something we’ve never talked about but that would be really cool.’ And the next thing you know, a week and a half later we’re getting a phone call. So it’s just funny how we really do feel like it’s kind of a God thing and it was definitely meant to be.”

The Florida Georgia Line/Chainsmokers collaboration is called “Last Day Alive” and it will be available on The Chainsmokers’ new album, Memories … Do Not Open, which will be released on April 7th.

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Florida Georgia Line – Chainsmokers collaboration  :27

Tyler Hubbard – “It kind of happened last minute.  We got a call from them and they pretty much had this song and they wanted us to sing on it. And it was just a meant to be thing, it really was. It was funny, a few weeks earlier we literally were in an interview and they said, ‘Who would you like to collaborate with?’ And for the first time. BK said, ‘Well the Chainsmokers would be cool.’ And in my head I literally was thinking, ‘Wow, that’s something we’ve never talked about but that would be really cool.’ And the next thing you know, a week and a half later we’re getting a phone call. So it’s just funny how we really do feel like it’s kind of a God thing and it was definitely meant to be.”


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Florida Georgia Line – describe Chainsmokers collaboration  :30

Brian Kelley – “I think it’s an emotional song, maybe a little bit dark, but I think it’s a hopeful song. I think people are going to jam their frickin’ faces off to this song.”

Tyler Hubbard – (“I think it’s a positive song.”)

Brian – “Yeah, it’s a positive song, but it’s emotional at the same time and I think it really sounds like if FGL and Chainsmokers did a collaboration that’s what you would get. I mean I don’t know how else to tell you that.  It sounds …

Tyler – “You also can tell that we pushed ourselves a lot on this record, like it’s not the typical FGL sound, which we’re really excited about actually. So it was really fun learning and growing and pushing ourselves both vocally and with different parts and harmonies that we’ve never sang before.  So it’s gonna sound cool.”