Florida Georgia Line’s life and career is moving so fast and in so many directions that they rely heavily on their faith to keep them centered in the middle of all the chaos.  Brian Kelley says, “I think our faith makes everything that we do real and, you know, it helps us stay grounded and balances everything out. Everything is kind of moving a million miles an hour and that’s a great thing.  So you know, our faith helps us navigate through all the waters.”

Florida Georgia Line is currently climbing the charts with “God, Your Mama and Me,” their collaboration with the Backstreet Boys, off their Dig Your Roots album.

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Florida Georgia Line – importance of faith  :13

Brian Kelley – “I think our faith makes everything that we do real and, you know, it helps us stay grounded and balance everything out. You know everything is kind of moving a million miles an hour and that’s a great thing. So you know our faith helps us navigate through all the waters.”