Florida Georgia Line’s new song, “Simple,” was written as a reminder to Tyler and BK to not get too caught up in the whirlwind of their career.  The guys co-wrote the song with Michael Hardy and Mark Holman, and Tyler says, “I think for us it’s just finding a good balance. And I think the day we wrote this song we were just trying to be reminded of that. Everything was going 100 miles an hour.  We were on the road and I remember last year was kind of a whirlwind and I think for us we just have to probably on a weekly basis remind ourselves to alright, let’s take a few days off, let’s recharge, let’s get re-grounded if you will, get re-balanced.”

Brian and Tyler each have their own way of getting re-grounded.  “For BK that’s hanging out at their place at the beach,” says Tyler.  “We’ve got different things that kind of recharge us but I think just maintaining a balance. We also love to work so hard that sometimes we have to force ourself to take a day off, put our cell phones away because we’re all live in a world where everything’s super-fast, super digital, and there’s tons of distractions everywhere.  So I think now it’s something that we have to kind of be consciously aware of and make sure we find time and make time for ourself.”

These days things are pretty hectic for Florida Georgia Line as they work on their fourth album and tour the festival circuit this summer.  Plus Tyler and BK are working on the building of the FGL Boathouse, a Florida coastline counterpart to their FGL House bar and restaurant in Nashville, and BK and his wife just opened their brand new Tribe Kelley Surf Post down in Grayton Beach, FL, on Friday.

Florida Georgia Line – Simple stay grounded  :40

Tyler Hubbard – “I think for us it’s just finding a good balance. And I think the day we wrote this song we were just trying to be reminded of that. Everything was going 100 miles an hour.  We were on the road and I remember last year was kind of a whirlwind and I think for us we just have to probably on a weekly basis remind ourselves to alright, let’s take a few days off, let’s recharge, let’s get re-grounded if you will, get re-balanced.  For BK that’s hanging out at their place at the beach. We’ve got different things that kind of recharge us but I think just maintaining a balance. We also love to work so hard that sometimes we have to force ourself to take a day off, put our cell phones away because we’re all live in a world where everything’s super-fast, super digital, and there’s tons of distractions everywhere.  So I think now it’s something that we have to kind of be consciously aware of and make sure we find time and make time for ourself.”