Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line unveiled their own line of whiskey last year called Old Camp Whiskey, and the guys were very hands on in developing the taste of their whiskey.  Brian says, “We hired a company to help us perfect that right taste that we wanted.  And every other month it seemed like they were showing up before meet and greet at our shows and we were sampling and we were mixing and matching and making changes and altering. You know that’s got too much pecan that’s got too much peach that’s got not enough whiskey, whatever it may be.  But we just wanted to get it exactly how we like it.”

The decision to create their own line of whiskey was born of a genuine love of whiskey.  Brian laughs and says, “Whiskey is something, to be honest with you, we’ve been tasting for years and years. But it’s something that we’re passionate about, the whiskey business. We don’t know everything but we’ve got a really good team around us and we enjoy it.  It’s fun.”

Old Camp is a smooth and easy drinking whiskey that is available nationwide.  While the guys aren’t busy promoting their whiskey, they’re focused on their music, including their latest single, “God, Your Mama and Me,” featuring the Backstreet Boys.

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Florida Georgia Line – Old Camp Whiskey  :38

Brian Kelley – “Tyler and I, we always thought it’d be cool to kind of have our own whiskey.  And we took it a little bit more serious, and we hired a company to help us perfect that right taste that we wanted.  And every other month it seemed like they were showing up before meet and greet at our shows and we were sampling and we were mixing and matching and making changes and altering. You know that’s got too much pecan that’s got too much peach that’s got not enough whiskey, whatever it may be.  But we just wanted to get it exactly how we like it. We knew our fans would love it and connect with it.  Whiskey is something, to be honest with you, we’ve been tasting for years and years. But it’s something that we’re passionate about, the whiskey business. We don’t know everything but we’ve got a really good team around us and we enjoy it.  It’s fun.”