The cover of Florida Georgia Line’s latest album, Dig Your Roots, features pictures of Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard as toddlers.  Brian explains, “I had this crazy idea. I don’t know where it came from. I just randomly thought of it one day. We had a whole bunch of old pictures. Yeah, that’s what it was, for some interview or something. I think I had found one I loved of me and there was one of Tyler. I just said ‘Why don’t we just put it on the album cover and split it?’”


Besides the fact that the cover idea fits the theme of Dig Your Roots, Brian says, “I think it saved us money on a photo shoot too. It’s just a reminder to not take yourself too seriously and to understand, respect, and love, and cherish where you came from and what you came from. For us, it’s just letting our fans in on our life. You know, I still miss that hat. I’m still looking for that hat.”


Dig Your Roots features FGL’s latest single, “May We All,” which is their latest top ten single and still climbing up the charts.

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Florida Georgia Line – album cover  :38

“I had this crazy idea. I don’t know where it came from. I just randomly thought of it one day. We had a whole bunch of old pictures. Yeah, that’s what it was. For some interview or something. I think I had found one I loved of me and there was one of Tyler. I just said “Why don’t we just put it on the album cover and split it?” We had the idea of Dig Your Roots and we were just trying to go through it. I think it saved us money on a photo shoot too. It’s just a reminder to not take yourself too seriously and to understand, respect, and love, and cherish where you came from and what you came from. For us, it’s just letting our fans in on our life. You know, I still miss that hat. I’m still looking for that hat.”