(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard Enjoys Entertaining At Home

Brian and Tyler of Florida Georgia Line both got new homes back around the end of 2013. Brian describes his house as a cozy tree house, built into the side of a mountain that sits on a lot of land. Tyler says his house is a little different. “Out in the country, got a lotta animals, but a little bit more spread out. BK has more land, but it’s on the side of a mountain and real wooded. Mine’s a little bit more open-land area.”

Tyler has 12 acres and a pool and he says it’s, “It’s just a good spot to hang out and have a lotta people over. It’s good for entertaining and throwin’ parties. I enjoy havin’ my friends over and havin’ plenty of room for everybody to spread out. It works out good for me and it’s definitely nice to be able to go home and have a spot to call your own.”

Unfortunately neither one of the guys will have a whole lot of time to spend at home this summer between dates on Jason Aldean’ s Burn It Down Tour and their Own This Is How We Roll 2014 Tour, which just kicked off this weekend.


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Florida Georgia Line – Tyler’s house :25
Tyler Hubbard – “Out in the country, got a lotta animals, but a little bit more spread out. BK has more land, but it’s on the side of a mountain and real wooded. Mine’s a little bit more open-land area. I got 12 acres and a house and a pool, and it’s just a good spot to hang out and have a lotta people over. It’s good for entertaining and throwin’ parties. I enjoy havin’ my friends over and havin’ plenty of room for everybody to spread out. It works out good for me and it’s definitely nice to be able to go home and have a spot to call your own.”

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