Florida Georgia Line just released their brand new album, Can’t Say I Ain’t Country, featuring “Simple” and their latest single, “Talk You Out of It.” And Tyler Hubbard recently announced that he and his wife Hayley have another big event happening in August, when they welcome their second child into the world. You may recall with their first pregnancy, Tyler and Hayley used an at-home kit to determine the sex of the baby, and just after they revealed to the world that they were having a boy, a doctor informed them that no, in fact, they were having a little girl.
So now that baby #2 is on the way, will they be seeking a professional opinion before revealing the gender of their next child? Tyler says, “We actually, we got a real blood test this time, not the at home thing that was recommended to us. And the results came back and our nanny actually knows what we’re having and we don’t know yet. So I think we will do some kind of reveal or surprise at some point, but I don’t know what we’re gonna do. But it better hurry up and get here, cause I’m pretty anxious.”
The actual due date for Baby Hubbard #2 is August 19, 2019, but as we all know, babies live on a schedule all their own. Whenever he or she is born, Tyler’s daughter, Olivia, will be roughly 20-months old.
Florida Georgia Line – sex of baby #2 :20
Tyler Hubbard – “We actually, we got a real blood test this time, not the at home thing that was recommended to us. And the results came back and our nanny actually knows what we’re having and we don’t know yet. So I think we will do some kind of reveal or surprise at some point, but I don’t know what we’re gonna do. But it better hurry up and get here, cause I’m pretty anxious.”