Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line has been married for two and a half years and Brian Kelley has been married for four years, and the guys say their wives have absolutely had an impact on their music and their careers.  Tyler says, “I think being married has impacted our life in all areas, but especially as creators.  Our wives are a huge part of our inspiration and our creativity.  So as we sit down to write music it’s hard not to write a song about our wives in some form or fashion.  So it’s been awesome.”

Beyond the music, Tyler believes their wives also make it possible for them to go out every night and put on the best show possible.  He says, “To have them out on the road, even further than just writing songs, it really helps with being able to put on a show and being able to have them out with us, experiencing all this stuff with us and it just makes it that much better.”

FGL is off the road now for the holidays and while Tyler awaits the arrival of his first child, a baby girl, any day now.  In the meantime, they just released their new single, “Meant To Be,” featuring Bebe Rexha.

Florida Georgia Line – how being married impacts music  :29

Tyler Hubbard – “You know, I think being married has impacted our life in all areas, but especially as creators.  Our wives are a huge part of our inspiration and our creativity.  So as we sit down to write music it’s hard not to write a song about our wives in some form or fashion.  So it’s been awesome.  They’re a huge part of our team as well and teams for life and so to have them out on the road, even further than just writing songs, it really helps with being able to put on a show and being able to have them out with us, experiencing all this stuff with us and it just makes it that much better.”