current single: “HEAVENS TO BETSY

Jackson Dean has always had a bit of a gypsy spirit. Even in his music he sings a lot about always being on the move and not settling down in one place. Jackson doesn’t see that desire to always be on the move ever going away, partly because he sees it as a matter of survival.

Jackson Dean – never still for very long :38

“I can’t tell you the last time I was in one place for more than 72 hours. I couldn’t tell you. So, most definitely I’m still runnin’ and gunnin’ and goin’ everywhere that I possibly can. I don’t ever want that to stop. And I think that is the case for me because of, actually, my dad. He’s been scared to death to retire for a long time now because we’ve seen too many times guys that retire, and then a year and a half, two years later you see ‘em again and they’re walking with a cane. And then another year later they have a walker, and then a year after that they’re dead. I understand that as a human, you know, you stop moving, you die. You gotta keep movin’. You just gotta keep movin’. You can sleep when you’re dead.”