Rascal Flatts just released their brand new single, “Yours If You Want It,” which is the first release off a brand new album they’re working on to release in 2017, and Joe Don Rooney explains that the song just kind of presented itself as the obvious choice for the first single. “A guy named Jonathan Singleton wrote it, and Andrew Dorff. That song was written like two years ago and we just got it pitched to us this past summer, and it was just awesome. It’s uptempo and fun, great lyric on that song, ‘Yours If You Want It.’ So we took it in and recorded it and out of like seven songs that we’ve recorded so far that’s the one that just went to the top.”
“Yours If You Want It” has taken on extra meaning for Rascal Flatts because Andrew Dorff, one of the writers and a beloved member of the Nashville songwriting community, died suddenly and unexpectedly just a few weeks ago.
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Rascal Flatts – Yours If You Want It :20
Joe Don Rooney – “A guy named Jonathan Singleton wrote it, and Andrew Dorff. That song was written like two years ago and we just got it pitched to us this past summer, and it was just awesome. It’s uptempo and fun, great lyric on that song, ‘Yours If You Want It.’ So we took it in and recorded it and out of like seven songs that we’ve recorded so far that’s the one that just went to the top.”