Riley Green has an incredibly large and loyal fan base that has been with him since before he signed a record deal and had his debut single “There Was This Girl” on the radio.  Riley believes the reason his fans relate to him so well is because he’s just like them and he has always written songs based on his truth.  “Not that moving to Nashville’s a bad thing,” says Riley, “but I can see coming to Nashville and you start writing and you write with these great writers.  They’re writing for radio.  They’re writing not necessarily for themselves. You get these guys that are writing for cuts that are on the radio.”

Riley understands why songwriters try to write hits that will be universally loved, but he says, “I never did that. I just wrote for the people that I was seeing every week. I wrote for the fans that I was looking at even if it was in a 30-capacity bar and grill I was playing, you know. I knew what songs did well and I got to try new songs out weekly.  And I mean, I was framing houses during the week and my fans relate to the things that I write about because I was writing about ‘em while I was doing the same things my fans were doing. “

You can check out more of Riley’s music on his EP, In A Truck Right Now, which is available now.

Riley Green – what attribute fan base  :43

“I think that the reason that the fans I have relate to me as well as they do is that, I mean, I’m not any different.  Not that moving to Nashville’s a bad thing, but I can see coming to Nashville and you start writing and you write with these great writers.  They’re writing for radio.  They’re writing not necessarily for themselves. You get these guys that are writing for cuts that are on the radio, and those cuts, how do you know what a radio cut is? You hear it and you hear it every week. You hear what songs are in the top 10 and all that. So I never did that. I just wrote for the people that I was seeing every week. I wrote for the fans that I was looking at even if it was in a 30-capacity bar and grill I was playing, you know. I knew what songs did well and I got to try new songs out weekly.  And I mean, I was framing houses during the week and my fans relate to the things that I write about because I was writing about ‘em while I was doing the same things my fans were doing. “