For Riley Green, social media has been a tremendous tool for growing his fan base, especially before he had a record deal.  But he can also see where social media can be a negative thing, like when it comes to dating.  He says, “Social media helps me tremendously in my career, but as far as a relationship goes, I can definitely see that there’s a laziness that’s come into the younger generation and I’m not a part of it.”

Riley prides himself on the fact that when he was growing up and starting to date, social media wasn’t a thing, so you had to put in the work if you wanted to ask a girl on a date.  “People don’t go out and date like they used to,” says Riley.  “And I almost want to say that I was a part of that last generation that maybe that did. I mean, I can remember early on, I guess when I first probably got a truck and could date, you had to get the number out of the phone book and call and talk to their parents, probably because they were going to answer and tell them who you wanted to talk to.”

Actually picking up a phone and calling was one of the smallest things a guy did when he was interested in a girl when Riley was younger.  Some of the other, crazy things guys have done inspired his debut single, “There Was This Girl.”

Riley Green – social media dating  :30

“Social media is the good and bad of all of it. I mean, it’s one of the things where people don’t go out and date like they used to. And I almost want to say that I was a part of that last generation that maybe that did. I mean, I can remember early on, I guess when I first probably got a truck and could date, you had to get the number out of the phone book and call and talk to their parents, probably because they were going to answer and tell them who you wanted to talk to. Social media helps me tremendously in my career, but as far as a relationship goes, I can definitely see that there’s a laziness that’s come into the younger generation and I’m not a part of it.”